What to expect at a worship service

Expect the depth of a rich tradition and the inspiration of a modern message. The worship service has a pattern and purpose that allows contemplation, prayer, and joyous praise every week. We take particular pride in our music, which includes major organ works, soloists, and anthems from our various choirs. From the stained glass windows to the pew carvings and architecture, the sanctuary is rich in symbols of Scripture, the Holy Spirit, and our community of faith.

What to wear

Wear whatever you're comfortable in. You'll see everything from suits to shorts in the sanctuary.

What about kids?

Kids are always welcome in the sanctuary. Kids can choose an activity pack from the orange crate as they enter.  A staffed nursery is available during the traditional worship service.

What about communion?

Communion is offered approximately once a month according to a schedule linked to the religious calendar.  Anyone who accepts Christ (even a little bit or even just sometimes) is welcome to join in the celebration of God's love for us. If you, or someone you know, would like communion at home, please contact the church office (269-683-7600).

Questions? Concerns? Needs? Just want to meet us?

Talk to us: Call the church office (269-683-7600) for answers and contacts
Drop by for a visit during the week: Ring the doorbell at the glass doors by the parking lot and stop by the church office. Office hours are 8:30a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Contact info and map