Announcements!  What's Happening at First Pres!


Crazy Socks 

Crazy Socks Sunday is March 9!

We are collecting new white socks to benefit clients at our Closet on 4th. There is a poster in our church hallway showing which socks we need most. Take a card, buy some socks. Put them in our crazy socks box in our parlor hallway. If you can’t get a card, or don’t get socks before March 9, don’t worry, any socks you donate will be much appreciated any time! While we are at it, let's have some fun! If you are wearing crazy socks on Crazy Socks Sunday, you might win a prize.

Your Mission Committee thanks you!



Embracing the Uncertain

by Magrey R deVega

This year’s Lenten Study will begin on Tuesday, March 11th and will meet each week on Tuesday ending on April 15th. We will meet from 10:00am-11:00am. In addition to the Study, there will be a Devotional Book available. The Devotional is by the same author and is available for purchase, if anyone would like to do a devotional series on your own. You can do both or just one part of this Lenten Study.  Please sign up for book(s) by February 27, 2025. Contact the church office (269-683-7600). The cost for the book is an $8 donation. There are free copies also available.



Game Day



Saturday, February 22, 2025



Collection for Berrien County Cancer Service


For the Berrien County Cancer Service, we are collecting bottles of Ensure and Boost. This is very helpful to cancer patients. This is an ongoing mission. If you would like to help, just place them in our Homeless shelter box in our church hallway. REAP is also making caps for chemo patients which we will deliver at the same time. If you want to help sew them, let Cheri Rissman know.


Just a reminder

The Deacons are gathering items for the Domestic Violence Shelter and Homeless Shelter in Berrien County. Please find copies of their wish list available in the usual places around Church, so you can take one home. Please return your goodies to the appropriate big box in our church hallway. The Deacons sincerely thank you for your help!!



Do you still receive US Mail?  Your used postage stamps can be turned into necessities for Christian missions world-wide.  A local woman will collect our stamps hanging in a bag on the bulletin board.  If you can contribute any stamps, please leave a 1/2 inch margin around each one (or the whole envelope).

                                                            Thank you from Missions and Outreach


Bridge News

It’s time for some fellowship and cards!

The Presbyterian Bridge Group will meet next time on March 15 at 12:30pm. Please bring a snack to share with the group and be ready for some card fun!

Please share this invitation. All friends of the church who want to play are welcome.