Movie Descriptions

The Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
Advent/Christmas Movie
Disney Version Rated: PG
Target Age Group: 09 to 12 years old
Disney's The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe tells the story of four Pevensie siblings, who stumble into a magical world called Narnia, a land held captive by the evil White Witch, who has made it always winter and never Christmas. But with the arrival of the children comes rumors of spring and word that the good lion Aslan is on the move, setting up the ultimate showdown between good and evil.
The Truth About Guys
Movie Not Rated
Target Age Group: 12 to 17
God made guys and girls different in more ways than just the physical. But how different could we really be? After all, we are all made in His image, right? Well, yes, but . . . let's just say that guys and girls view the world very differently and it's a miracle we communicate at all. What's worse is girls this age often think they know what makes guys tick, but they couldn't be more wrong!
Chad Eastham tells it like it is…to girls…from a guy's perspective. His stage presentation is captured on DVD, putting the facts in black and white for girls to see. Chad wrings out every ounce of experience from his colorful life and uses it to help teens make informed choices. Includes "Chad on the Street" interviews with teens and recording artist friends captured at conferences and Summer festivals.
Perfect for personal use, small groups, sleepovers, or youth group settings. Links provided for online study and discussion outlines
Facing The Giants
Rated PG
Facing the Giants is a new, action-packed, family-friendly drama from the award-winning producers of "Flywheel" about a high school football coach who draws up a new game plan for his team … and himself.
In his six years of coaching, Grant Taylor has never had a winning season. Even the hope of a new season is squelched when the best player on his Shiloh Eagles decides to transfer schools. After losing their first three games of the season, the coach discovers a group of fathers are plotting to have him fired. Combined with pressures at home, Coach Taylor has lost hope in his battle against fear and failure.
However, an unexpected challenge helps him find a purpose bigger than just victories. Daring to trust God to do the impossible, Coach Taylor and the Eagles discover how faith plays out on the field...and off.
With God, all things are possible...
The Gospel Of John
Lent/Easter Movie – 3 hours
By Philip Saville
Rated: PG-13
A momentous undertaking involving a creative constituency of award-winning artists and esteemed academic and theological consultants from around the world, Visual Bible's "The Gospel Of John" is an ambitious motion picture that has been adapted for the screen on a word for word basis from the American Bible Society's Good News Bible.
The story of Jesus' life as recounted by His disciple John, this three-hour epic feature film draws its audience into antiquity by way of meticulous recreation, including an original musical score complete with instrumental sounds of the time. This ambitious motion picture follows the Gospel precisely, neither adding to the story from other Gospels, nor omitting complex passages.
Thou Shalt Laugh: The Deuce
Hosted by Comedy Great: Tim Conway
Comedians Featured: Taylor Mason, Thor Ramsey, Victoria Jackson, San Nainan, and Bone Hampton
*Movie Not Rated
Hot on the heels of the hit DVD Thou Shalt Laugh comes the newest and funniest of this great new brand. From the producer of The Blue Collar Comedy Tour and hosted by five-time Emmy Award winning comedian Tim Conway, this is 90 minutes of fun for the whole family.
Thou Shalt Laugh proved that “clean” and “family” does not mean “not funny”. TSL-The Deuce ratchets up the fun with new performances by “Disney Legend” Tim Conway (with the first appearance in years of “The Old Man”), SNL alum Victoria Jackson, Bone (My Name Is Earl, BET Comic View, Comics Unleashed), nationally known comics (and Thou Shalt Laugh favorites) Taylor Mason and Thor Ramsey, plus one of the best and hardest working new comedians – Dan Nainan.
Recorded in Hollywood in front of a live audience of over 5,000, Thou Shalt Laugh – The Deuce is sure to please a wide range of audiences.
The Power of Forgiveness
*Movie Not Rated
To forgive someone can be simple. But this simple act can have powerful consequences - and may lead to a personal and spiritual transformation. Recently, the study of forgiveness has come into its own.
Researchers are examining the psychological and physical effects of forgiveness under an amazingly wide variety of conditions, ranging from petty insults to sexual assault to 9/11. Clinicians now help guide people to forgive transgressions and get on with their lives. From Ground Zero to Northern Ireland to the Amish countryside, THE POWER OF FORGIVENESS explores this important concept, and reveals how forgiveness can transform your life.
Lent/Easter Movie
*Movie Not Rated
Starring Anthony Quinn in the title role, Barabbas was released in 1961 in the midst of a wave of widescreen epics based on biblical characters. The screenplay, by playwright Christopher Fry (who also contributed to Ben-Hur), is an unusually intelligent one. Further assets are the imaginative, sparingly orchestrated score by Mario Nascimbene and a handsome production design by art director Mario Chiari that is so rewarding to the eye in Aldo Tonti's often dazzling cinematography.
Many scenes, such as Christ's crucifixion, are shot and staged like tableaux in a style reminiscent of the great masters of art. And director Richard Fleischer surpasses anything Ridley Scott achieved years later in Gladiator: He fills the huge arena--a vast Roman amphitheatre--with a gladiatorial school of hand-to-hand combat, a parade of elephants, and a den of lions, and then caps his production with a riveting and thrillingly mounted duel between Jack Palance, careering round the circumference of the arena in his chariot, and Barabbas dodging him on foot. --Adrian Edwards
Viva La Difference:
*VHS Format; Movie Not Rated; 38 Minutes
Focus on the Family offers Viva La Difference: Improving your Marriage by Embracing the Uniqueness of your spouse featuring Paul & Nicole Johnson
Differences. Every couple has them, whether they’re differences in communication, personalities, or how each marriage partner handles anger and conflict. Too often, such differences can tea a relationship apart. Butsomethimes, uncovering these differences can actually bring couples closer together!